What will 2023 look like?

Hello Friends,

Well! It’s been a little while since I’ve posted an update to the blog, so I thought I would do that given the start of the new year. Vacations and holidays have kept me away for a little bit, but I’ve kept up with posting the regular content so hopefully it hasn’t been too much of a disruption. To get everything back on course, I want to use this post to give some updates on what I will be working on in the coming year, and what kind of content you can expect to see.

  • The Zet Platoon (formerly known as Project Zet): Work on production of the game materials for Zet Platoon was sidelined for a bit, but are now back in full swing. I’m really excited by this project and have most of the core rules and appendices drafted, so really now I’m just working on testing and making art. This should be coming out sometime early in the year.

  • Remastered Adventures and Guides: Having been at this for a little while now, I’ve been looking back at some of my earlier works and decided that they deserve some remastering (especially in the art department). I’m going to be revamping the text and art for the Legend of Emerlane’s Folly and the Verdian Realm Guides first and am thinking of then posting them to sites like drivethruRPG for broader distribution. This might take a lot of my time, so it may slow down my production of regular materials (I will try and keep up though!).

  • GenWorld: Another big project I have been working on is an algorithm for generating complex hexcrawl maps. This would include geographies, realms, adventure ideas, etc. While not directly related to the Verdian Tales, this may become a service I offer for folks for a small commission. Over time I will probably start posting sample images to the VT instagram, so if you are interested keep an eye out over there.

  • Monthly Adventures- These will continue! I may end up shifting the week in which they come out to make things easier on the production end, but otherwise new adventures should be coming out monthly as normal.

  • Guides: These will continue but might slow down as other projects take my time. We will see, though! As it stands, I will likely not post a new guide for February but should have one for March.

  • Youtube? I’ve had an itch for a while to post walkthrough videos for the VT guides and adventures, and may finally get on that with the coming year (if time allows). These would be casual and come out irregularly, but I think would be fun since they would allow me to give some better background info on each entry. Maybe I will make videos with each remaster? Who knows.

  • Others: Anabosis Chapters will be forthcoming as normal, and blog posts will hopefully return to a monthly occurrence.

  • Suggestions? Let me know if you have any ideas for what fun new materials might be interesting to see. I’m happy to venture into new territory, so let me hear your thoughts in the comments.

Anyways, that’s where I see the Verdian Tales heading as the next year comes upon us. Here’s to 2023!




Anabosis: Gorgon


Anabosis: Ibram