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PA07: The Water of New Life


Deep in the dark waters beneath Kanpour, an alien menace nurses ambitions of domination. It has gathered about it a loyal cult of fanatically devoted followers who would see the world undone and has woven a web of agents throughout the city and its government. In time it plans to spread its influence up and down the coast, establishing an empire with IT at its head. Kanpour needs heroes now if it is to avoid the doom that has been put upon it.

The Water of New Life is intended to be played as a one-shot encounter for mid-level characters in one or more sessions. To complete this adventure, the heroes will need to investigate the strange happenings in Kanpour, track the New Life cult to their temple in the city’s cistern, and defeat Xool’Gabba before it is too late. Given its relative brevity, the Water of New Life can be played as a standalone quest or weaved into a broader narrative.

Setting Guide: The Age of Exploration


Three hundred years have passed, and Verd has entered into a new age. With the Cryptstorm’s magic having all but died out, humanity has resettled much of the land that was lost to the daemon and set to the seas to explore the unknown world. Technological advances and social upheaval characterize the times as the traditional order is upended and there is more opportunity than ever for the common man to make a name for himself. This is the Age of Exploration.

This guide serves to provide an introduction to the Age of Exploration, the second chronological setting of the Verdian Tales universe. While not exhaustive, an outline of the major players of the period, along with broad social movements, is provided. Context regarding what’s up and down in Verdian society (from a thematic perspective) is also given. Taken together, this guide should provide a surface level glimpse into life on Verd as it leaves its dark age behind.




Mighty and proud, Ancondi stands as the last true vestige of the old world. Largely insulated from the ravages of the Cryptstorm, Ancondians have long dwelt in peace behind mighty fortress walls. Content to play a supporting role in the war against the daemon, the monarchs of this southerly realm have grown complacent in their security. Regional lords, many with power to rival kings, pay homage to the crown while struggling against its administrators. At the same time, Ancondi is a realm of brave and chivalrous knights, with questing armies venturing forth to serve on the Bahenian line and claim riches and relics from fallen lands.

Bahenia is a realm beset by war, Having already endured a century of invasion by daemons across its northern border, the ‘Bastion Kingdom’ is the shield of the west, yet her future stands on the edge of a knife. One false move could lead to her ruination at the hands of the horde, and only the stout hearts and strong arms of her citizenry prevent such a fate. As fledgling societies begin to develop across the border, however, there is hope for those who would chance to believe it.

Fate has shaped and defined the duskvolk ethos in the north- they are survivors in a world seemingly dead set on their annihilation. When the daemon came, the golden cities of Demor Kam, once the envy of the world, were broken and overrun, leaving her people to fend for themselves. Prudence and mobility have allowed these men and women to survive into modernity, though life is perilous and often quite short on the steppe. As herdsmen and hunter gatherers, the northern duskvolk have carved out a place for themselves in a hostile world and look to recover some of the glory that was lost.

When the Cryptstorm destroyed the old world, the ancient empire of the Demor Kam was swept away. Though the emperor was gone, and the great cities of the east were laid to ruin, those who lived in that land were not gone. Not all at least.

The descendants of the Demor Kam are known now as the Duskvolk, so called for the hidden lives they live. These are a people who live among the daemons, hiding when they can and fighting when they must. Along the southern coast of the Ostenrealm, among the trees of the 'All Father' or 'Vaterwald' (as they call the forest), the duskvolk have done more than just survive. They have built for themselves a new society from the ashes of the old world.

Urbania is a land of merchant lords and radical philosophers, petty kings and sea priests- a hotbed of renaissance thought where the traditional order is dying. Isolated from the Argerkin menace, Urbania has grown rich from trade and industry, though not everyone has benefitted equally from this prosperity. An uncertain future lay ahead for the region as a new King takes the throne, seeking to reclaim what he considers to be his birthright.


Galience- the City of Sails. The capital of Volanice has been called many things, but even just the word- Galience- is evocative to many. It is a promise of fortune, both legitimate and ill-gotten, and adventure. A city of merchant lords and con men. Galience’s legend, spread by traders, sailors, and pirates, is perhaps one of the most well-known, and romanticized, in all of Verd.


Before the Demor Kam ruled over an empire spanning the west and east, the people of Ant'Deme were one of many. They were a tribal people who worshipped a pantheon of old gods that they called the Demet, to whom they sacrificed their labor. To represent their gods, the Demor associated each with geometric shapes, for an artist's hand could never do their splendor justice.



"Past the very northern reaches of Bahenia, on the fringes of the daemon country, the village of Emerlane struggles to re-establish itself as a permanent, and safe, community. Long ago, as daemon hoards pushed their way southward, Old Emerlane was lost and ruined. Now it bids for life anew. Though prospects look bright for the people of Emerlane, a secret enemy is gathering its strength and threatens to return the young town to ruin."

"An air of celebration takes hold in the frontier town of Emerlane. The Holy Reliquary of Opperdam Church has been recovered! Not only that, but an evil nest of daemons has been purged from the world. Truly the townsfolk have reason to celebrate.”

“Just as quickly as it came, however, the levity dissipates. Seemingly without provocation, tensions between the merchants of the Amber Sail and the local villagers flare. Then, just when things look their worst, a grizzly murder rocks the town! Will the heroes be able to solve this mystery before it's too late?"

"The war drums of the Saala are beating in their dark forest keep. The Snake Lord Khaa-Na Sami is gathering strength for his upcoming war with the town of Emerlane, but there are dissenters among his ranks. In the hidden city of Elba-Tur, a realm of once free runts now forced into serving the Khaa, an old King ponders the future of his people should the Saala succeed. Will his people ever regain the dignity they once enjoyed?"

Times are black for the village of Emerlane. An army of daemons approaches from the north, while inexplicable, almost supernatural events plague the town. These occurrences threaten to derail the town's defensive efforts and leave the way open for Khaa-Na Sami's horde. Many, however, think this is of little matter. The men and women of Emerlane’s militia, while brave, are not likely to withstand the coming wave…”

“The time has come. A horde of daemons, chittering, barking, drooling beasts, descend upon the town of Emerlane with murderous intent. Leading the horde is a hereunto unseen breed of Argerkin, said to wield terrible magic and a keen intellect. Emerlane stands on the brink of annihilation, though it does not stand alone. Allies won through previous heroic deeds will stand with the free people, in defiance of Khaa Na Sami’s hateful will.”

In a raucous pub of unverifiable cleanliness, an unusually quiet band of cutthroats and ne'er-do-wells gaze mournfully over their flagons of rum. By the look of them, one could guess they were pirates, but by their demeanor they seem more akin to pallbearers. Slowly, one of the sullen crew rises from his seat and lifts a flask.

Here’s to us, lads, and the last of the Liberty Rum.’”

In the cold north of the Ostenrealm Duskvolk seek shelter from daemons and the elements, with many taking sanctuary in the ruins of the past. Mines built by the Demor Kam dot the mountains, offering security and warmth in a hostile world, though not all is serene. In the dark recesses of Esper Mine, one such tribe has discovered a terrible calamity and no word has escaped the delving since.

Folks tell of a reclusive daemon hidden away in a fell keep somewhere in the Bragenhost Mountains. A giant they say it is, a sturmkin with greater skill at the forge than any other. Keeping to itself, none have ever laid eyes on the creature and lived to tell the tale. That is because the Fire Giant does not work in just iron, steel, and bronze, but also the souls of those unfortunate enough to be captured by its minions.

For years the bandits of the Red Bear gang earned a less-than-honest living preying upon trade caravans and relieving sleepy aristocrats of their worldly burdens. They did this until their chief, Toby 'The Brains' Dotton, commissioned a wizard to aid the gang by building for them a colossus of iron and steel. This creature, possessing a mind of its own, would eventually come to lead the Red Bears, who now make their money ambushing the adventurers who come to claim the Iron Bandit’s helmet (and its associated bounty). Will the players succeed where others have failed, or will they too fall to the steely brigand?

Many years ago, a young fisher-boy discovered the fossilized remains of a titanic sea turtle buried in the sand. Long since turned to stone, the fossil was chosen to be the site of a temple celebrating the Gods of life. For a century and a day the temple flourished, but through their deeds the priests earned the enmity of a vile demon-cult who sent assassins to exterminate them. Left abandoned, the temple was eventually discovered by one Dr. Albert Keinbart. In his new lair, the crazed doctor performs all manner of crazed experiments in pursuit of his ultimate goal: the animation of a flesh golem.

Before the great wizard Ent'Deli was laid to rest, he made for himself a tomb in the form of a sphinx. This he filled with his worldly treasures as well as deadly aberrations to protect them. Though some have tried, none have ever managed to breach the Black Sepulcher and gaze upon the mighty sorcerer's death gifts.