Starting Out

Hello and welcome to my new blog for the Verdian Tales website! This project has been a long time coming (I think I started working on the Verdian Tales in High School), but I am excited to finally get it off the ground and start posting guides, stories, and other materials for you to read. So that I don’t drag this intro out too long, I want to use this first blog post to give you an idea of the kind of things I am planning on posting on the site:

  • Realm Guides: The Verdian Tales come from the fantasy world of Verd, and on that world there are all sorts of unique places, people, and geographies. One of my favorite things to do is write about such locations and try to give life to them. So, I am going to post travel-guide-like documents you can download and read (there’s already one posted in the “Products” section of the website!)

  • Stories: For a while now, I have enjoyed writing short stories and novels in my free time. Many of these are set in the Verdian Tales Universe, and so I plan to post some of these stories on this website. My thought is to post them a chapter or so at a time in the blog.

  • Adventures: Probably my favorite things to read in the whole world are adventure modules made for RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons and Call of Cthulu. Stemming from this enjoyment, I’ve written a number of adventures set on Verd and will be publishing them. The adventures themselves will be broadly narrative in their writing, so they can be retrofitted to be playable in any RPG system should you want to use them.

  • Blog Posts: More of a communicative tool, I will post updates in this blog relating to projects I am working on or planning.

  • This and That: Beyond the staples above (which will be published at a relatively steady interval), I intend to use this site (most likely the blog section) to post an assortment of other odd bits of media relating to the Verdian Tales. As an example, I’ve always thought creating some kind of comic would be an interesting project, so something like that might pop up or even become something I produce on an ongoing basis.

In any case, that is the plan moving forward. Let me know if you have any thoughts of what other materials might be fun to make (email: and check out the Realm Guide for Urbania (on the products page). Thanks for reading this maiden blog post, and I hope you’ll come back to enjoy the materials that will be posted in the future.

To an exciting start,



Anabosis: A Lonely World