Anabosis is a science fiction novel set in the distant future of the Verdian Tales Universe. It focusses on the adventures and experiences of ethicist Emma Grant as she explores the hermit world of Anabosis; a planet where an expansive tech conglomerate conducts top secret research and development free from the burden of law and external oversight. Though not a scientist herself, what Emma discovers along the way could upend the status quo and pull this lonely world out of its isolation.

In Anabosis’ sixth chapter, titled SIGMA ULTIMA, Emma travels to the remote Scepter Station to begin her review of the titular Sigma Ultima project. As a top-secret charter hosted by the college of Artificial Intelligence, Emma and Hal are apprehensive about what kinds of experiments might be being performed. After being detained for processing, Emma is introduced to the SIGMA ULTIMA Continuity, a bifurcated, self-improving AI designed to perfect itself by playing a self-defeating game. While the project raises many concerns - more safety-related than ethical - Emma’s visit is cut short when the continuity shuts itself down unexpectedly, sending the research team into a panic.

The sixth chapter of Anabosis can be downloaded using the button below. I hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think in the comments!




The Verdian Triangle Trade


Project Announcement: Zet Platoon!